.: Mist bottles we use for essential oil mixtures :.
As the days continue to bring us an abundance of sunshine we find ourselves in the gardens, at the ocean, and enjoying our meals outdoors. As the sun begins to fade and the air provides a cool breeze after a lovely day of play we are enjoying staying out a bit later into the early evening.
Recently our time enjoyed outdoors has been met with unwanted visitors in the form of mosquito's. It can be disappointing to be called away from the time we are enjoying outdoors when a simple natural remedy can be created to deter these insects.
.: Mixing essential oils to create a blend for our mist bottles :.
.: We started off our time first creating a "relaxing mist" of Lavender, Bergamot, and Frankincense paired with water into our mist bottles. Next we created a "mosquito repellent" :.
With a mix of essential oils that naturally will deter mosquito's, we created a blend. This blend is held in travel-sized mist bottles that are easy enough for us to place into our pockets as we go about our days and early evenings outdoors.
.: My oldest son using the essential oil mist to deter mosquitos as we play outdoors :.
To mix up your own homemade natural repellent:
You will fill a travel-sized mist bottle almost full with distilled water then add up to six drops of lavender, citronella (or lemongrass) and cedarwood.
Make sure to shake this mixture before spraying so that the oil and water mix together. You can apply this mist every fifteen minutes for the best results.
.: Oils paired with water into a spray bottle, a simple remedy to deter summertime insects :.
This year we are getting much enjoyment from sitting out on the covered porch. I plan on planting a few Thai Lemon Grass plants around the perimeter of the porch to give an extra natural buffer against mosquito's. (The leaves and stalks also can be pulled apart and rubbed directly onto your skin as an effective repellent against mosquito's.)
Your pets may appreciate a drop of lemongrass or citronella oil into their shampoo this summer too!
I can imagine there are many mixtures as well as resources for purchasing oils. Our family has had a good experience with this farm's selection online.
Wishing you health and comfort outdoors with your family!