.: A small platform built into the trees gave us a birds eye view of nature's classroom! :.
As we move into this new month the air feels as if it is gently turning crisp. The sun shares itself in a nurturing way and the sounds in the air are changing--a lullaby of crickets nearby can be heard leading an orchestra among the tall golden grasses in the fields.The forest is full with such magic in these days of late summer. Mushrooms are growing up all around the mossy carpeted forest floors. Today we set out to notice them!
.: A red-tinged mushroom pushing up through the dark soil and leaves :.
.: The color combination of these twin mushrooms are lovely! :.
.: A fern-boy of the forest blending in so effortlessly with this landscape! :.
.: A butterfly drinks from the butterfly bush. She followed us into the woods to play! :.
.: Taking a magical carpet walk today through a sea of feathery ferns! :.
Butterflies flutter overhead as if playing a game with us. They flutter and float up ahead leading the way through moss-lined floors where oceans of ferns create a magical carpet that we happily step over on this journey into the woods.
.: We imagine a little door and windows and a chimney atop this sweet little mushroom home! :.
.: She collects red-orange leaves that shared themselves with us on this day! :.
I appreciate stopping to notice moments of play among the children. They so easily blend in with this landscape. They are so natural at transforming themselves into fairies of the fields, sea and forests.
.: An intricate spider web reminds me of a crochet-covered stone! :.
.: A wee forest-boy stopping to look at tiny frogs that are the size of his thumbnail! :.
.: A Monarch Butterfly drinking from the garden followed us into the woods on this day! :.
.: I appreciate seeing the many colors of the forest and the creative ways they share themselves! :.
The colors of the forest astound us. Looking close we can notice a full rainbow in these woods. What a gift to be given on this natural treasure hunt! As we view this day through our 'nature eyes' we walk a bit further along the bending trails that the trees create.
.: So delicate and graceful is this orange-hued mushroom! :.
.: Three forest-walkers taking in this day to the fullest! :.
This day will be etched into our memories and will follow us into our daily play.
.: May your day be met with magic and beauty and your creative spirit be inspired by nature! :.