Thankfully, I have wandered into my workroom today. It has been very difficult to make time to sit and craft this summer. It has worn on my mind and mood. It is proven that exercise raises endorphins and brings a sense of well-being. I would argue that crafting does the same for me. ~Mari Beth
Here I stand with my feet on the pattern I’m trying to decipher. I have seen star charts that are easier to follow.~ Cheryl
The evenings are cooling and occasionally I can smell the start of autumn. Our apple trees have supplied a few fallers already. This is what remains after I have processed half the crate today, making cake and stewed apple for the freezer.
Here I stand, again on the beach, with my husband and younger son. Our feet glow in a stream of water, turned to amber by the peat it has flowed through on its way to the sea. ~ Jacqui
Here I stand with the beginnings of the Winter season gifts. ~ Lynnette
This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and I place I long for every summer. Lost Lake. I love it here so much. There is such peace in this immaculate gift of nature.
Yesterday I swam way out to the deep, deep water and floated on my back. As I floated, arms open wide, I felt a peace come over me....a much needed rejuvenation of my spirit. ~ Heidi
Here I stnd...among the morning glories growing in our resting compost. ~ Jess
A couple weeks ago, while traveling to Drumheller, Alberta, we found ourselves wandering on a suspended bridge. The kind where your hanging 100 feet over a flowing river. I paused briefly with my daughter to take this picture, but looking down made me feel a bit queasy. The combination of the bridge having a "see through" bottom and it being able to shake with the wind and people walking on it left me all but confident while crossing. Strangely enough, holding my daughter's hand made me feel better. ~ Sunshine Mama
Here we stand at the feet of the great Oak tree, so grateful for the gifts of big green acorns that this old tree is sharing with us. ~Christina
Here I stand in the HUGE puddle next to our front door. It was bitterly cold and the rain stung my face and froze my fingers, but I stopped to puddle paddle for a moment and wondered why I don’t do that more often. ~ Kate
This week was our annual family Gulf Island vacation! My feet went exploring around the cottage and then, to relax, sat around doing nothing more than watching the trees, the rising waters of the Pacific and the sunsets on the horizon. ~ Open Roads Mama
Here I stand among mesquite pods, loving the crackle as I plant my foot firmly onto the cream gold bean. That crisp snap – my favorite sound of summer next to the cicada hum. ~ Terpary
.: Next Wednesday marks the start of a new month, it will also mark the completion of this photo challenge. Thank you to all of you who have joined in on this fun! :.
Where did you wander today? I would love to know! With a link back to this post please share your 'Wandering Wednesday' photo on your blog too!
Please share your link in the comments so that we can all visit with you too!