.: Red Winter Berries On Ice :.
On this snowy and cold winters day we enjoyed creating beauty by the work of our hands and through the inspiration of the icy landscape right outside our door.
We chose many natural materials to freeze in time, adorning our trees with colorful icicles of our very own..: Frosted Seaglass on Ice :.Seaglass (That was found while the sun was upon our backs and the tide was rolling in at our feet) now suspended in ice. It brings a sculptural element of interest into the snow-covered gardens, reminding us that warmth from the summer sun will be upon us once again.
.: Cranberries and Evergreens - Flowers from The Gardens On Ice :.
.: Cranberries and Evergreens on Ice :.
.: Flowers From The Gardens On Ice :.
Flowers that were pressed when the gardens were in full bloom now return back to the spot that is so familiar, only now take on a different form.
.: Spring Colored Tissue Paper On Ice :.Inspired by lanterns we created that bring to us a warming glow indoors, this mandala of ice is layered with Spring colored tissue paper creating a similar glow outdoors.
.: Lace Doile On Ice :.Lace doilies cast intricate snowflake shadows when held upwards towards the light of the Sun. I find a magical spot to hang this Ice Mandala in the branches of the trees. I am trying to freeze a small beautiful moment in this transparent bezel of ice. It will float awhile in the trees as a gallery for the birds and then melt away in the sun. I am delighted to adorn the outside of our windows with these icy treasures to lend a delicate grace to our days.