.: There is so much beauty to be found in the changing of the seasons, once flowering and now gone to seed. I appreciate the process that is even yet to come. The winds change and the seeds are planted anew, a continual process in nature so effortless and yet at the same time with so many forces pulling together at once. :.
On this brilliant October day I chose to follow my children's lead outdoors. I stay back a bit noticing their play before me, observing as the many universes of their adventuresome play unfold.
.: There are so many hidden and not so hidden treasures to be found in the natural world-- sometimes it takes the eyes of a child to stop and notice the ordinary turned magical. :.
.: A woodland home just the right size for my littlest to visit in. This hidden hollow sits at child height and is easily found by my children. This is a favored spot to visit. Many incredible moments of play are to be had in this textured, immersive, and fantastical tree. :.
One moment finds them in the gardens, another into the strong limbs of the trees and happily running in and through the fields. As they gathered up the last of the blackberries they noticed how these sun-ripened and warmed berries were now cold with the chill of the crisp night that had come before.
After tasting these semi-chilled jewels, a few were given to the fairies and later these berries were used in more of their incredible play.
Their playscapes were ever-changing. They began as three small squirrels collecting acorns, later fashioning a nest of branches. Then they were adventurers, building a palatial lean-to, moving large fallen limbs into place and sending one other out to gather 'supplies' and 'food' along the way. A piece of emerald green moss
.: Many days we seem to be drawn to wearing the colors of the forest in the clothing we wear. Greens and browns blend into the landscapes of our play. :.
was set in place for a soft carpet on the floors of their newly-built dwelling and off we went into the woods a bit further. We came upon open glens
.: Learning and playing among the trees and around and living objects to be found along the way! :.
where sun-dappled oceans of ferns danced with trees that dotted the landscape. In appreciation I enjoyed seeing my children set the sails on their boat and sail it across this newly found ocean. I took every moment in. They were moving in slow motion in my mind’s eye, a soft gaussian blur of poetry illuminated by the late day autumn sunshine . I never want to forget this day.
.: With the warming sun guiding our steps and the forest growing right up around us, we enjoy finding the fairy-sized trees along the paths :.
I was brought into fall by the feeling of the coolness of the stone I sat upon, the incredible colors of leaves at my feet, the sun warming my back and a cool breeze. The music of my children’s voices, their creativity, all of this impressing upon me just how momentous time is and how it is my heart’s desire to savor each moment. I am thankful for my children's leading into the woods and into their incredible play.
Our time spent participating in the natural world always inspires. The colors, scents, sounds and visions into the woods season our days and our creative palettes. As we journeyed home, the spirit of the forest was brought back with us and poured forth onto our papers. :.
.: Upon arrival back at home, we set out many beautifully colored leaves found on the mossy, wooded paths along the forest floor. A few vintage autumn children's books were placed on the drawing table for added beauty and artistic inspiration. Beeswax block crayons joined us today (which are always held close at hand in the case mama made for them some time ago.)
.: Beeswax block crayons are well suited for making leaf impressions. As we place found leaves under our papers and carefully rub the beeswax block over the raised edges, magically a detailed form appears! A vintage Golden Guide book peeking out from this photo gives added inspiration for choosing leaf color as well as learning more about the leaves that came home with us on this day. The Golden Guide collection is ever growing and is set out in baskets in our home for the children to pour through the details of the natural world--its pages mirroring the details of nature we have experienced on this day :.
~ May your day be full with the warmth of the sun, the wonderment of a childs eye and the many gifts to be found in nature! May beauty grace your tables and enter into your every day! ~