I want to thank everyone who left a comment on my last post, "Heirloom Games." What a gift to read so many imaginative and sweet childhood memories! It meant so much to me to read each one. You have put a song in my heart for sharing a piece of yourself in this space. In keeping with the theme of childhood games and imagination, here is my story to share with all of you!
Noticing that the rain was holding back today after many days of missing the sunshine, I headed out to do some weeding in the vegetable gardens. As I got into the rhythm of pulling weeds and scratching the soil with my garden rake, my daughter came running outside in a sweet white dress that she has never worn before. The look on her face was pure joy "Mama will you take my picture?" At this point I was covered in dirt, but thinking she was so cute to ask I answered, "Sure sweetie, let me clean up and grab the camera" she said "Alright Mama, meet me at my tree" (and I knew just the tree she was referring to) *her* tree. My daughter lovingly refers to a Cairn in the garden as her 'thinking spot', and has a third spot among the trees that she calls her 'church in the woods'. I ran in to grab the camera and figured I would take a quick picture and get right back into weeding and let her get right back into her play. She began her ascent into the tree and I started to photograph her journey upward.
"No, Mama don't take a picture yet" she looked so sweet climbing her tree in her dress, I snapped a few more pictures, she could hear the clicking of the camera..."No, Mama I am not ready yet."
She reached the spot she was hoping for and sat proudly. "O.k. ready now?"
"Yes, I'm ready, take my picture."
Then she hopped down from the tree into my arms and ran off to play. I hung the camera from the tree branch and got back to my garden. I did not think to much about these pictures until later today when I actually looked at them, to my surprise they tell a story of my tree climbing, nature loving, mindful girl. I love that I was able to capture this special moment of sweetness.
When I was a little girl, I had an apple tree whose branches swung down low. I sat on this magical branch just about everyday, and honestly felt like I was riding a horse. I threw a blanket over the side and a string up on it's 'neck' and there I would be happy for hours in play riding my real horse. The comments from the last post reminded me how children do not have to be taught to imagine, and they do not have to be taught how to play. They just do.
I love the worlds they create. Our little ones are all truly a gift!