I recently wrote about treasures we have savored from nature. Today I am going to share with you a few treasures of a different kind! We visited a local antique barn this weekend. It is over-flowing with vintage kitchen accessories, vintage quilts, embroidered linens, antiquarian books, and children's toys from the 40's and 50's. The owner is a lovely and talented artist with whom I spend as much time talking as I do thrifting.
The thrill of the hunt for me is in pulling linen after linen out of baskets to admire and select just the perfect one to bring home.
A good antique store owner will arrange the store to make me feel as if I am the only one who has unearthed a glorious find after years of it sitting all alone deep under a table... I can feel the excitement of finding a hidden treasure welling up inside. I quickly snap it up and tell my husband of the glorious find. Most of the time my excitement is met by him with an equal level of happiness for me, if not for the dusty old quilt itself. (His weakness is for the literary treasures that line the barrister bookcases.)
I am sure many of you understand my commitment to the search. I feel this is where half the fun comes into play. Please accompany me as we take notice of some of the spots of beauty I have found in our local antique barn:
::Turquoise-tinted Ball canning jars::
{I love the way these look with a wildflower bouqet, or with a tea light for
dinner outdoors.}
::Glass telephone pole insulators::
{When my Grandfather passed away, I found a small collection of these in his woodshop. They now grace our windowsill, and some ornament my herb gardens.}
I know that many of you, (like me in this age of email) enjoy the beauty found in hand written letters. I appreciate these old post cards for their gorgeously embossed paper and lovely handwriting.
{Just look at the date of this one!}
::Vintage Trays::
These trays found their way home with me!
I look forward to sharing more of my adventures from
this weekend in a future post...